Read What Our Customers Have To Say ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
The winter of 2007-2008 will mark my fifth season as a customer of New England Tree Experts’s (formerly Gicas Construction) snowplowing service. There are lots of “services” available, but none could be more reliable, or as quick to respond as Gicas. I am satisfied that I made the right choice!
– Paul, Customer Since 2002
Our relationship with Greg goes way back. New England Tree Experts (formerly Gicas Construction) has helped us year after year. His team has helped to make the New England winters more bearable for my family and me. They are conscientious and thorough, and we value their expertise. We have been fortunate to have such a reliable and professional company taking care of our snow removal needs.
– Rich, Customer Since 2003
When I first moved to Shrewsbury I asked around about a good, reliable snow plowing service that also provided some extra services, like shoveling out my walkway and mailbox. New England Tree Experts (formerly Gicas Construction) was recommended more than once. I’ve now used New England Tree Experts for 5 years. I’ve never been disappointed and I would highly recommend them.
– Gail, Customer Since 2002
As a “senior citizen”, I needed someone that provided an array of services in addition to just plowing my driveway and I had not been successful finding anyone. My daughter was so pleased with New England Tree Experts (formerly Gicas Construction) service and reliability that she recommended them to me. Now I don’t need to worry about icy walkways, or undelivered mail any longer. So for all you seniors out there… call them – they won’t let you down.
– Margarette, Customer Since 2002